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Elements Of A Good Baby Essential

Walking into a baby furniture store can be completely mind blowing - there's so much stuff! Most of us don't have an unlimited amount of money to spend, and if you've never had a baby before, it can be really hard to work out what's really necessary, useful, or basically a waste of time. If you're planning to set up a gift register at the store, you want to make sure the things you put on it are useful and practical. 

It's can all be incredibly confusing.Let's take a look at some of the main items you're going to find in the baby store, so that you can have some idea of what baby furniture you really want or need before you even get to the store. That way you can focus on picking exactly which one you want, rather than messing about deciding whether you actually want or need it.

A bassinet or cradle is used from birth until around 4 months. Basically, if the baby can roll from side to side, it's time for baby to move up into a crib. Make sure the mattress fits snugly against the sides. You may even find that a padded bumper, sheets and quilt are included.The bassinet probably falls somewhere in the middle between necessary and unnecessary. If you're on a budget, you can certainly go without one. Having said that, I loved my bassinet and wouldn't have been without it.

 It's so convenient to be able to move baby around. I generally let baby sleep in his own room during the day, and used a baby monitor, then at night wheeled baby's bassinet into my room. Mine could be rocked gently to help baby fall asleep, and because it was up on a stand, it was easy to life baby in and out - I was recovering from a caesarean.So my advice would be - if you can fit a bassinet into your budget, do it. Perhaps it's an item that a few friends or family could buy for your baby shower



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